Postgraduate Life


Its been a while, when i was walked around 500 meter from car park to my room (usually it takes only a few step), my mind keep bump here and there (to makes me enjoy the walk while in extremely exhausted actually) and suddenly im remembering my old and lame blog. yeah

Few years back ,with zero posting. Im still here, in lovely USM. officially graduate in Oct 2016 with a lots of beautiful moment with friends.

But now, exactly on 11.05 pm on Tuesday night, my mind stuck while doing this kind of 'lovely' writte up. Im proceed my master in environmental journalism. Still, and will in School of Communication (i guess its my faith to born and breed here !)

This is. a hard times you know. Doing this things. Emotionally, mentally, physically tired, hurt, emotionless, heartless. Clingy all the times with a few people.

The best part is, everytime i thought that im stuck and sick of this, i can still feel that there still a hope jus a few meters more. and a common words "there no turning back !'

u choose it, u have done it, and now there is only 2 months left to submit my thesis. Its have reach on 80% complete. im just doing my hundred times amendment now. Thanks to my SV which is very productive in PUSHING me to get this done in a very best quality

nowadays, ive been so introvert and very furtive with my life. Especiall on my socmed. (instagram, Facebook, Twitter) im really gatekeeping my own wall in Fb, for not to posting anything to makesure its look like a dead person Fb. except on my Twitter where i can post anything cause im only git 54 folllowers (with 124 pending request) and 3++ on instagram.

Seems like no privacy at all in internet era. makes me very carefull on picking up peoples around. But in this post, i really took a big risky to reveal myself. Its good to be much more in reality then fantasy.

Till there. hope i can have a thought of mind again in somewhere because of something to have a diligent to write again in this old and lame socmed.


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